Following on from the recent post in respect of West Northamptonshire’s Anti-Poverty Strategy, 5 urgent priorities for the next 6 months are now seen as vital moving forward. These are:
1. Improved communication and awareness raising of access to financial information and support.
2. Commitment of resources and or funding to deliver the strategy and resultant action plan.
3. A commitment to do all we can to encourage businesses and organizations based in West Northamptonshire to pay the real UK Living Wage.
4. Aligning with other strategies and programmes of work to help establish what is already happening and ensure a joined-up approach.
5. Campaigning for the reversal of unfair welfare changes and funding cuts.
It has been agreed that an overarching Partnership Board of Designated Local Authority Officers and Members will oversee the activities of a larger Working Group which will include a host of front line providers and advice services, including those from the VCSE Sector. The Poverty Truth Commission will be represented, together with the Food Alliance and the Chair of the VCSE Assembly.
Within these initial discussions, it has been recognised that the work of the Commission is more longer term, and may not impact on these quick wins within the next 6 months. However, gaining these continual lived experience stories of Poverty and Financial Vulnerability will be important in sense checking this Anti-Poverty Strategy as it develops. If you wish to be involved in the work of the Commission please contact
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