VIN organises a Community Fun Day in Briar Hill

As part of our Inclusion work at Briar Hill, VIN organised a Community Fun Day on the 27th of July 2024. Our Neighbourhood Coordinator Charlene took the lead and brought 130 local people from all walks of life together for 2 hours of fun, food and friendship, at the local community centre.


Other organisations such as Growing Together, West Northamptonshire Council and the local Scouts group all came and talked about the work they do and ways that they can support and provide for those in need. The local Fire service also came along to join in the fun talking to people about fire safety and showing people around the fire truck which is always a fun thing to get involved with.


We had a face painter for the children and Reverend Griff brought along the team from St Benedict’s church and put on a puppet show that really engaged the children and that ensured the children were kept entertained.


The selection of crafts, games and activities meant everyone was busy, and the adults could chat together over a picnic lunch. We were assisted by volunteers from the community, all of whom rolled up their sleeves and helped Charlene set up tables, run the stalls and pack everything away at the end of the day. They were a massive help on the day and are pillars of the community in Briar Hill.


There was plentiful discission on after the event, on Social Media and the local Monday coffee morning about what a fantastic event it has been for the locals in Briar Hill.  Accessible to all whilst bringing people together around having fun – a commodity often in short supply.